ASME/ANSI machine dowel pins chart for precision imperial (inch) dowel pins
# Article

ASME/ANSI machine dowel pins chart for precision imperial (inch) dowel pins

① American dowel pin standards, defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) under B18.8.2, consist of two diameter series:

  • Standard Series: The diameter is +0.0002 inches above the nominal diameter, intended for initial installations.
  • Oversize Series: The diameter is +0.001 inches above the nominal diameter, designed for replacement applications.

The lengths of ANSI dowel pins have a tolerance of ±0.010 inches and are available in the following increments:

  • 1/16-inch increments up to 3/8 inches
  • 1/8-inch increments from 3/8 inches to 1 inch
  • 1/4-inch increments from 1 inch to 2 inches
  • 1/2-inch increments for lengths greater than 2 1/2 inches
  • The length tolerance remains ±0.010 inches.
Nominal Diameter 1/16 5/64 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1
Nominal Pin Diameter 0.0625 0.0781 0.0938 0.125 0.1562 0.1875 0.25 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1
Pin Diameter(A) Standard Series Basic 0.0627 0.0783 0.094 0.1252 0.1564 0.1877 0.2502 0.3127 0.3752 0.4377 0.5002 0.6252 0.7502 0.8752 1.0002
max 0.0628 0.0784 0.0941 0.1253 0.1565 0.1878 0.2503 0.3128 0.3753 0.4378 0.5003 0.6253 0.7503 0.8753 1.0003
min 0.0626 0.0782 0.0939 0.1251 0.1563 0.1876 0.2501 0.3126 0.3751 0.4376 0.5001 0.6251 0.7501 0.8751 1.0001
Oversize Series Pins Basic 0.0635 0.0791 0.0948 0.126 0.1572 0.1885 0.251 0.3135 0.376 0.4385 0.501 0.626 0.751 0.876 1.001
max 0.0636 0.0792 0.0949 0.1261 0.1573 0.1886 0.2511 0.3136 0.3761 0.4386 0.5011 0.6261 0.7511 0.8761 1.0011
min 0.0634 0.079 0.0947 0.1259 0.1571 0.1884 0.2509 0.3134 0.3759 0.4384 0.5009 0.6259 0.7509 0.8759 1.0009
Point Diameter(B) max 0.058 0.074 0.089 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.24 0.302 0.365 0.424 0.486 0.611 0.735 0.86 0.98
min 0.048 0.064 0.079 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.23 0.29 0.35 0.409 0.471 0.595 0.715 0.84 0.96
Crown Height (Chamfer) max 0.02 0.026 0.031 0.041 0.052 0.062 0.083 0.104 0.125 0.146 0.167 0.208 0.25 0.293 0.333
Crown Radius(Radius) min 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.016 0.02 0.023 0.031 0.039 0.047 0.055 0.063 0.078 0.094 0.109 0.125
Single Shear Load for Carbon or Alloy Steel(lbs.) 400 620 900 1600 2500 3600 6400 10000 14350 19550 25500 39900 57000 78000 102000
Suggested Press Fit Hole Diameter max 0.0625 0.0781 0.0937 0.1250 0.1562 0.1875 0.2500 0.3125 0.3750 0.4375 0.5000 0.6250 0.7500 0.8750 1.0000
min 0.0620 0.0776 0.0932 0.1245 0.1557 0.1870 0.2495 0.3120 0.3745 0.4370 0.4995 0.6245 0.7496 0.8745 0.9995